Unstoppable Domains revolutionizes messaging through NFTs on the blockchain

Unstoppable Domains (UD) recently introduced NFT instant messaging on the blockchain through its latest innovation. 

Owners of UD domains (and any Web3 wallet address) can now enjoy the ability to chat natively with each other, harnessing the power of NFTs.

This new feature, based on XTMP, is known as Unstoppable Messaging, and is designed with a specific focus on user security and privacy.

Thanks to end-to-end encryption, messages are protected and are stored on XMTP’s decentralized network. What is exceptional is that this NFT communication is accessible across multiple platforms that adopt XMTP, ensuring that messages are preserved and accessible, regardless of developments on Unstoppable.

New NFT messages: accessible on Unstoppable Domains

As anticipated, Unstoppable Messaging is a revolutionary way to create links and cultivate communities within the Web3 world. 

Founded on Web3’s XMTP messaging framework, Unstoppable Messaging represents an authentic Web3-native way to make connections with friends, closely follow projects you care about, and support vibrant communities through decentralized, end-to-end encrypted messaging, all via your personal Web3 domain. 

In the near future, an option will also be introduced to allow dApps and enterprises to adopt Unstoppable Messaging to communicate with their communities and build stronger relationships through the Push protocol.

At the heart of Web3 is interoperability, the reason Unstoppable Messaging was shaped: to ensure complete NFT interconnection with any XMTP-based messaging platform. 

Messages can be sent to any individual on different XMTP platforms, including the Coinbase Wallet app and Lens, simply by typing in their wallet address or domain. 

At the same time, anyone using an XMTP-compatible messaging app can send messages to their Unstoppable wallet domain or address, and the messages will be immediately visible within the Unstoppable app itself. 

New messaging frontier: ownership, security and Web3 communication.

Unstoppable Messaging can be embedded through your own Web3 Domain, e.g., Sandy.x, achieving total adaptability to any wallet address associated with your domain.

Messages sent through Unstoppable Messaging belong to you. With guaranteed access on platforms using XMTP, your messages will remain preserved and accessible, regardless of Unstoppable’s performance. 

This initiative further helps to deliver complete control of your identity data. The concept behind Unstoppable messaging is the protection of security and privacy. 

In fact, messages are end-to-end encrypted and stored on XMTP’s decentralized network, ensuring only you have access and decryption. You also have the authority to dictate who can send messages, with the power to block specific users and manage your notification preferences.

Also, for the first time, you can communicate directly with support via Unstoppable Messaging by sending a message to support.unstoppable.x. This new feature expands the opportunities for receiving answers to questions. 

Not only that, to take advantage of Unstoppable Messaging, you can configure reverse resolution for the Web3 domain in the Manage section, then start the first conversation by clicking on the chat icon. 

With messaging available on the Unstoppable app and website for iOS (with Android coming in the future), the ability to chat while on the go becomes easier than ever.

Messaging for dApps: enhancing Web3 relationships

Also on its way from the team is an upcoming innovation that will enable dApps and enterprises to leverage unstoppable messaging to interact with their communities and facilitate more robust links, based on the Push protocol.

Currently, interaction between dApps and their communities within the Web3 world is a challenge. Indeed, dApps often find themselves limited to a mere wallet address, devoid of communication or reward possibilities towards their supporters. 

Thanks to Unstoppable Messaging, dApps, games, and metaverses will finally be able to broadcast relevant messages to their communities and subcommunities, all managed from the Unstoppable Partner Panel.